Part I, Frequently Misspelled Words

1) A, liaison

2) C, accessible

3) B, professor

4) C, guarantee

5) C, pastime

6) B, irresistible

7) D, correct answer not given (miscellaneous)

8) B, assassin

9) C, tragedy

10) C, siege

11) A, maneuver

12) C, exercise

13) D, correct answer not given (occurred)

14) B, believable

15) A, parallel


Part II, Frequently Confused Words and Irregular Verbs

16) He A. led the team through a tough season.

17) The discussion focused on the A. principle of integrity.

18) He was told that he had a right to A. counsel and that everything he said could be used against him.

19) We like to hire applicants C. whose references are professional.

20) Please B. lay the book on the desk when you're finished.

21) She B. set the books in the corner.

22) His D. correct answer not given (residence) hall adviser had him kicked out of the dorms.

23) You can't always tell a book by A. its cover.

24) B. You're invited to the party this weekend.

25) That car is A. theirs.


Part III, Identifying parts of speech and parts of a sentence

26) She (B, pronoun) is uncomfortable wearing fancy clothes.

27-28) She thought (C, verb) her (B, pronoun) sister was coming to the party.

29) The bell rang loudly (E, adverb).

30-31) The tree provides shade (A, noun) on sunny (D, adjective) days.

32) The team played its (B, pronoun) worst game Sunday.

33) There is nothing wrong with this sentence (E, object of the preposition).

34-36) The disgruntled worker (A, simple subject) showed me (D, indirect object) her letter (C, direct object) of resignation before submitting it to her boss.

37-38) None (A, simple subject) of these clothes (E, object of the preposition) seems to fit.

39-40) We caught (B, simple predicate) six bass (C, direct object) and cooked them on the campfire.


Part IV, General Language Skills

41. A. Sarah, the older of Jim's two daughters, maintains a 4.0 grade-point average.

42. C. The university that Time attends (no comma needed) offers a number of interesting geology courses.

43. D. The professor told the team of students that it needed to rewrite its paper in order to receive a passing grade.

44. C. Who said you're going to lose the contest ? You're the best writer in the class.

45. A. If I were a member of Congress, I'd vote for the gun control bill.

46. B. My mother's favorite recipe, pasta primavera, is my father's least favorite meal.

47. B. He's the man who teaches my daughter's friends gymnastics.

48. E. correct as written. All of Jill's prettiest dresses came from the same store: Dahlia's Finest.

49. A. Who do you think stole the bracelet?

50. A. My dad used to take my friends and me to the farm, and our favorite activities were sliding down the hill and searching through the old barn.

51. A. It's the cat that scratches the couch, but the dog sheds its fur all over the house.

52. E. correct as written. After the police car cut her off, she honked her horn loudly, not caring if she was pulled over.

53. D. I love jazz, rhythm and blues, pop, and bluegrass, but I do not enjoy heavy metal music.

54. C. Neither the faculty nor the students believe the academic standards have deteriorated.

55. B. She, as well as her sisters, enjoys shopping, dancing and swimming more than any other activities.

56. A. "They're my better writers," the editor said.

57. A. Mary tries harder than the other reporters to write well, submit thorough reports and meet deadlines.

58. D. Every camera, as well as every lens, was inspected by the intern before the program began.

59. C. To earn spending money, my parents expected me to wash the dishes, watch my younger sister and clean up my bedroom once a week.

60. B. Magazines that are interesting to her do not interest me.

61. A. Whose party is it? It's hers.

62. C. The reporter spent her days off lying around her apartment watching television and doing laundry.

63. A. Each of the students is required to do his or her work before the field trip.

64. B. The children's rooms are so dirty that they're probably full of last month's dirty clothes.

65. A. She and her friends sang solos in last year's Christmas production.

66. E. correct as written. The dog barked loudly, and its owner had to run after it.

67. B. The media hold an important place in our information-based society.

68. D. She and he received lead roles in the school play.

69. E. correct as written. Neither the politicians nor the reporters were happy about the $3.2 million cuts.

70. C. I often wonder whether I will become a star; however, I know my brother will.

71. B. She is smarter than he when it comes to mathematics.

72. B. Last night's broadcast was the worst I've heard in two years.

73. B. If he is accepted, he will attend a prestigious college in the East.

74. A. Liver and onions is a meal people either love or hate.

75. E. correct as written. He said you could summarize Jesus' message in three words: "Love thy neighbor."

76. D. I feel good this morning, but last night I got sick after dinner and felt horrible.

77. B. Only one of the professors seems to really care about attendance, but it could affect your grade anyhow.

78. A. A total of 150 people are expected to attend; one-third of them are regulars.

79. B. She alphabetized the books and set them on the chair before she left, but they weren't there the next day.

80. C. Mary or Phil is working customer service today; neither of them is very good at working the register or the floor.



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